Helen Charlotte Photos | The Van der Merwe Family | Family Shoot | Picabella Rose Nursery

The Van der Merwe Family

Picabella Rose Nursery   –   March 2019

This family shoot at Picabella Rose Nursery was memorable in so many ways. With a beautiful sunset, stunning rose garden setting and gorgeous family to capture, it really was the recipe for a perfect shoot. When Stacy asked if she could have her session at Picabella I was delighted. This lovely spot is well worth the visit for it’s tranquility and beauty.

The bubbly sounds of two excited babies and the cooing of Mum, Dad and Granny could be heard throughout our shoot. We chased bubbles, cuddled teddies, pet puppies and smelled the delicious roses for an hour as the sun went down. I hope this shoot encapsulates the treasured memories made with the special Van der Merwe family.  //  Location: Picabella Rose Nursery